Reporting Channels
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2024-08-07
- View count:223
- According to 「The Anti-Corruption Informant Rewards and Protection Regulation」,people who sign up to report cases of corruption and malfeasance,and those cases are found guilty by the court,may receive a reporting bonus ranging from NT$300,000 to NT$10 million depending on the Judgment circumstances of the verdict.
- the identity of the whistleblower will be kept confidential in accordance with regulations.
- How to reporting:
- On-site:The supervisory office has dedicated personnel responsible for handling on-site reports.(Acceptance time:Monday-Friday,08:00~12:30;13:30~17:00)
- By phone:
- Agency Against Corruption,MOJ:0800-286-586
- Ethics Office in Agency of Corrections,MOJ:+886-3-318-8506
- Ethics Office in Taoyuan Prison,AOC,MOJ:+886-3-360-2261
- Written report:No.158, Yanshou Street, Taoyuan Dist., Taoyuan City 330032
- Fax Report:
- Agency Against Corruption,MOJ:+886-2-2381-1234
- Ethics Office in Agency Of Corrcetions,MOJ:+886-3-318-8511
- Ethics Office in Taoyuan Prison ,AOC,MOJ:+886-3-360-3001
- Mail box:
- Agency Against Corruption,
- Ethics Office in Agency of Corrections,
- Ethics Office in Taoyuan Prison,AOC,MOJ
In order to effectively fight aganist corruuption and lawlessness,we provide the above multiple reporting channels.